Saturday, January 24, 2009

sf humor--The Matrix

We often poke fun at what we love, whether it's a friend or a film. In that spirit, enjoy the following. Or complain that they aren't that funny. Either way.

How it should have ended. These folks have done similar endings for other films, most of which are worth watching...

Chappelle's spoof on The Matrix

Go here to watch "The Meatrix" and its sequels. I'm not sure about all that black leather being used in an animal advocacy compaign...

The Matrix Runs on Windows

The MTV awards spoof

Got any more? Post 'em in the comments section....


timdehaan said...

I really like the Matrix runs Windows, but that just might be because I am a computer geek...

Anonymous said...

I adore the Meatrix. It appeals deeply to my vegitarianism, though some of the "facts" they present are untrue (it's actually illegal to feed ruminants to other ruminants, for example). Just seeing a chicken in really tight black clothing (leather?!) portraying Trinity makes me happy.